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Chatbots with Ionic

Chatbots enable rich, AI-driven conversational experiences for users to enable teams to offer virtual agents and assistants at scale.

Chatbots can be integrated into an Ionic app using popular cloud service integrations with the Ionic stack, such as AWS Amplify.

Chatbot iOS

Creating a Chatbot Experience#

Follow the AWS Amplify Interactions guide to set up an AI-powered chatbox experience using Amplify and Amazon Lex.

Then, install the Ionic Chatbot UI for a drop-in Chatbot experience that is ready in minutes.


<amplify-chatbot  bot-name="yourBotName"  bot-title="My ChatBot"  welcome-message="Hello, how can I help you?"></amplify-chatbot>


Explore the Ionic Multi-experience Demo for an example Chatbox experience.
