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Apple & Android Wearables with Ionic

With the rise of wearable devices such as the Apple Watch and Android's Watch OS, users expect rich, interactive experiences on the go that pair with existing mobile experiences.

Creating Wearable Apps with Ionic#

Wearable apps can be created alongside any Ionic app, or as standalone projects.

iOS Wearables#

Apple Watch App

To create a wearable app for Apple Watch, open your Ionic project in Xcode:

ionic capacitor open ios

Then, go to New -> Target...:

New Target Watch App

Next, choose to create a Watch App for iOS App to create a companion watch app for your existing Ionic app, or create a standalone Watch App:

New Target Watch App

Then, follow the Ionic Multi-experience Demo for an example watch project that communicates back and forth with an Ionic app.

Additionally, follow the Apple WatchKit development guide to learn how to build Apple Watch apps.

Android Wearables#

Android Watch OS App

To create an Android Watch OS App, open your Ionic app in Android Studio:

ionic capacitor open android

Then, go to New -> New Module:

New Module Android

Then create a new Wear OS module:

New Wear OS Module

Then, follow the Ionic Multi-experience Demo for an example Wear OS project that communicates back and forth with an Ionic app.
